to the small poem and the quiet voice within

kenneth patchen | it is the hour

Kenneth Patchen


A sigh is little altered
Beside the slow oak;
As the rustling fingers
Of the sun
Stir through the silvery ash
That begins to collect on the forest floor.
It is the hour
When the day seems to die
In our arms;
And we have not done
Much that was beautiful.

[from: THERE’S LOVE ALL DAY, Hallmark Editions, 1970]


  1. D.R. Wagner

    This little book by K>P> always comes as a surprise mostly because it came from Hallmark and I didn’t expect it. It contains some excellent poetry and is worth having.

  2. David Dix

    Yup, when Norb cares enough to send us the very best….

  3. Bonnie Hartmann

    Beautiful and perfect. It is often my regret at the end of a day…more beauty, more beauty!

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