to the small poem and the quiet voice within

ralph murre | swallowed up…

Ralph Murre

swallowed up
my old poet friend
in green morning


  1. Bonnie Hartmann

    How lovely, how lovely, the photo and the poem…
    Thank you

  2. Anne Emerson

    I didn’t think the photo could be improved upon, and then came Ralph! Thank you, two poet friends. Anne

  3. Alice D'Alessio

    I can see why you never want to leave this place…and Ralph Murre said it so well!

  4. Charlie Rossiter

    another good one

  5. Sharon Auberle

    simply perfect…as well as (even though Norb hates the word) MAGIC…

  6. David Dix

    Would that I were there.

  7. Phil Hansotia

    Nothing to add. Phil.

  8. Richard purinton

    A hat tip. Twice. Excellent, complimentary images.

  9. Tom's Jude

    I echo Anne’s comment and gratitude!

  10. Paula K

    Not Right Now

    arborescent sentinels
    a writer’s privacy

    even the forest
    is green
    with envy

    (me too!)

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